Thursday, August 20, 2009

Prizeotel | Bremen, Germany | Karim Rashid

Prizeotel was a project in 'Designocrasy': high design affordable to all.
The concept had to be very smart, economical, maximize choices and use materials to have greatest impact.
Prizeotel creates a unique experience for the travelers and is ground breaking on the budget hotel market.
Today especially, design must prove its' worth and address the inhuman built environment to give us elevated, more pleasurable, more qualitative, aesthetic humanized conditions.
Design is not superfluous but a human necessity and desire.
Design must evolve us and create a beautification and betterment for society.

Client: Prizeotel
Facilities: 127 Rooms, Lobby Bar Lounge, Roof bar
Budget: € 7 million (includes new building construction)
Designer:Karim Rashid

For reservations and further information visit hotel's website

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